TRCA – Lower Don River West Remedial Flood Protection Project, Component 1, Toronto, Ontario

Cross Israel HighwayTSH was recently awarded a project by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the design and construction administration of flood protection for 210 hectares of land west of the Lower Don River. Key firms supporting TSH include Earth Tech, Gartner Lee and Thurber Engineering.

Flood protection elements include the westward extension of the CN Rail bridge over the Don River, channelization of the Don River through the new bridge span and approximately 150 m of retaining walls. CN Rail and GO Transit rail traffic must be maintained continuously throughout the construction period. A pedestrian walkway in the new west abutment and a new pedestrian underpass are also included.

The project has an aggressive schedule, requiring the design to be completed within three months and construction completed in eight months.

For information on the project, contact Mr. Marko Prgin, P.Eng., TSH Project Manager.

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